Not sure why I made this blog. I might as well say something, though. Let's see...

I like lemons. Lemons are yummy. It's not often one gets to say whatever they want, especially when lemons are involved, especially lemon kisses. Lemon flavoring, on the other hand, usually isn't too good. There has to be just the right balance of sweet and sour. Speaking of sweet and sour, I'll say something about Asian food that I noticed on Rachel Ray: SHE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT IT. She thinks you should have more meat and almost no rice, but the dish she made should have been mostly rice with a tiny bit of meat and sauce on top to add a little flavor.

On that note: The Japanese word for meal, gohan (御飯), is also the word for cooked rice. なぜか (Why?)。 Because RICE SHOULD BE THE MAIN DISH. Except in America, of course. I'd love to see people from America try to find the stuff we call Asian food ANYWHERE in Asia from a place that isn't influenced by Western dishes. Even in India (at least going by what Buddhist monks there have prepared here), the main dish is the rice with curry on top (and not what most Americans call curry).
On a related note, when my mother and I made food alongside the monks (we made the dinner that night), the curry they made was the best food of any kind I've ever eaten. Maybe I'll put the recipe on here eventually...but...well...they didn't exactly follow a recipe and no measurement went on. It was merely a list of ingredients.

And I had pizza for dinner today. VERY cheesy pizza. Hospital pizza, but it was good, nonetheless. Maybe some other time I'll rant on hospital food.
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