Graciously accepting to be co-writer of "Lemon Kiss" (Which is an odd/funny blog name, English or not.) I shall open this up with a talk/discussion on Kool-Aid.
Sugar, water, food coloring and a bit of artificial flavors add up to a rather interesting drink, in my opinion. A lot of people have this preconceived notion about Kool-Aid being "bad" as its "only sugar water" but actually that is good for your body. Now, everything is indeed "bad" if done in excess even the wonder of "vegetables", but what is "good" about "colored sugar water"?
Sugar, water, food coloring and a bit of artificial flavors add up to a rather interesting drink, in my opinion. A lot of people have this preconceived notion about Kool-Aid being "bad" as its "only sugar water" but actually that is good for your body. Now, everything is indeed "bad" if done in excess even the wonder of "vegetables", but what is "good" about "colored sugar water"?
- Cost Effective: That's right, the whole things is cheap! Costing free water from your tap and a fifty cent packet of "sugar flavors" you have something that will last for a week, or more, and has more flavor to it then the lead of your pipes.
- Basically Water: Indeed, Kool-Aid is just water with sugar and some other "Junk" but it is about 90% water. Your body NEEDS water and few people actually drink the amount the body wants/needs. Supplementing with "other drinks" that have less water leads to dehydration and digestion "issues". (Three glasses of milk and something like nine glasses of water each day are needed for a proper healthy system.)
- No Caffeine: Soda is, on average, the most popular "drink" for young kids and even adults. This is worse then drinking "just sugar water" as you add caffeine and all kinds of sugary syrups. Not to mention that, on average again, soda lasts less then Kool-Aid. (Yes there commercials are correct and not just stuff they are trying to force feed you.) The price of one GALLON of Kool-Aid is less then one twelve once can of soda/pop/soft drink.
- Body Needs: Your body NEEDS SUGAR and drinking Kool-Aid as just the right amount to give you what is needed, of course adding extra stuff is being ignored here. With the addition of water the sugar is quickly used so the chance of a "buzz" wears off quickly and has little to no "crash", unless you hyper consume the stuff.
Now, I'm going to throw out some "personal thoughts" about how Kool-Aid could "help".
If you are/were a vegan, do you know how much sugar you are missing from not eating ANY animal products? I mean, more power to you you but there is a SEVER lacking of sugar intake. Now most supplement this with an odd "candy habit" but that is BRUTAL on the teeth and digestive system. (Especially chocolate as it is a natural laxative, if not a weak one.) Adding just a few glasses of Kool-Aid does no harm in killing animals or using them against their will while giving you that sugar you need without creating a bad "candy habit".
Teens/young adults all are "go go go" and if you don't "get water" you lose energy. A lot of misconception is that you need an "energy boost" but about half the time your system is just dehydrated. This is "fixed" by your body saying "I'm thirsty". Most would pick a soda and others water but lets meet in the middle and have fun with it! (Gatorade type liquids are good too as they are basically salt water.. which you lose salt and sugar while working so both are good but Kool-Aid should be drank less often then the other.)
Kool-Aid is only the enemy of Soda and actual Juice and both are more expensive. While one would be "better" (Juice) it can't be ingested as often as Kool-Aid due to natural sugars making your body find itself as "full" instead of "quenched". Juices of the Apple, orange and others that are "citrusy" don't actually remove thirst but instead remove hunger. The body doesn't recognize the juices as "juice" but more like "liquid food".
Well my point is "KOOL-AID AIN'T EVIL!"

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