"Hey, it's cheap!"
You sure about that? Let's see, something cheap...The classic Hamburger: 89 cents (at the McDonalds' around here). Let's see: 1 hamburger bun (top and bottom, of course), one 1/4 lb burger, minced onions, three pickle slices, and maybe half an ounce of ketchup (being generous here). Here are some prices I found for these on GroceryGoGo.com:
Arnold Select 8 Hamburger Rolls - 8ct: $3.19
Fresh Ground Beef - 80% Lean apx 2 lb: $8.40
Onions White - 1 lb: $2.59
Vlasic Whole Original Dill Pickles 46 oz jar: $4.89
Heinz Ketchup Squeeze 32 oz sqz: $2.69
TOTAL: $21.76

$3.19 / 8 buns = apx $0.40 ea = $0.40So, yes, it's cheaper for you to go to McDonalds. BUT for 68 cents more*, you can get an even BETTER burger that was made when you made it and seasoned as you like it (preferably with panko and a "secret family recipe" of herbs and spices...or steak sauce. Not to mention, you do have to factor in the drink...and why not drink some water...or as Dudel suggested, Kool-Aid.
$8.40 / 8 '1/4' lb patties = $1.05 ea = $1.05
Onion = (guess) $0.12 ea = $0.02
Pickles = (guess) $0.02 ea = $0.06*
$2.69 / 64 '1/2' oz ketchup = $0.04 = $0.04
Oh, and if you think about it, they're paying probably less than 10% on that. I actually DID choose a slightly more expensive way, as I didn't include frozen meat or bulk quantities.
*EDIT: I didn't change it in the math, but the price of the pickles wouldn't even register, as I put my price guess for a WHOLE pickle. So...yeah...the final is 6 cents off, but it's still a lot.
"They have healthy options, too, don't they?"
I'll let you believe that. It's mostly wrong, but go ahead and believe it.
"So I take it you don't go there often?"
I try not to, but like White Castle, I ate there once and get random STRONG cravings. I usually get the Cheeseburger or Double Cheeseburger...which is a little strange as I don't like beef...but then again, that's not beef ^_^
very interesting ^_^ i love when people break down food like this... but yeah... i think it's probably still better to make it yourself. ^_^